
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Two Poems by Patricia L. Goodman


Handsome harbinger of winter,
you saw it all,
the bird feeders that blew over
in the storm, seed, broken
suet cakes
scattered on the patio.

You saw tiny finches who flitted
through the tangle,
seeking the seed that remained;
crows and squirrels
who came to feast,
making the most of misfortune.

You saw new-widow’s tears
as I righted everything,
refilled feeders with hands
too cold to function,
retrieved pieces too broken
to repair.

Far above, you clung
to the penteave of the house,
observed upside down
the chaos that was the same
from any angle.


          With a raspy Erp!
a nuthatch flies to my feeders.
           As I stand on the deck he
       snatches a sunflower chip, takes off
                 to the safety of the oak.

Across the creek, patches of snow
                   from the recent storm melt
           in welcome warmth.
Chickadees, finches wait
               in the beeches for me

      to go inside, and I have
                       filled the suet feeder
for the woodpeckers.
           The creek riffles on the rocks,
sustains wildlife

       of the watershed but
its gentle music always brings
                 tears. It feels good to cry,
even though it cannot
           bring back my husband.

I would stand here longer but
            the birds are hungry.

Patricia L. Goodman is a widowed mother and grandmother and a graduate of Wells College with a degree in Biology and membership in Phi Beta Kappa. She spent her career years running a large horse business with her orthodontist husband on their farm in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. Her work has been published in numerous online and print journals and her first full-length manuscript is currently being presented to publishers. She now lives in Wilmington, Delaware on the banks of the Red Clay Creek where she is surrounded by the natural world she loves.

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