
Saturday, February 27, 2016

A Poem by Kevin Kreiger

ego, te absolvo

divine the snow leopard, if you can.
which is to say:  divine silence.
stillness.  the way the mountain

invests the cat's presence
until it's cousin to stone,
inherent & sovereign,

a geography revealed
only as hunger yields
its object.  seek to know what

does not seek you--what would
sooner share your blood
than your embrace. taut

ecstasies of the animal.
the trail of an ego gone feral.

Kevin Kreiger is an LA-based poet, playwright, and academic/career counselor.  His first collection, KAIROS, is due out from Tebot Bach Press in 2016.  You can find more of his work at

1 comment:

  1. You can feel this poem stealthily moving toward
    its prey.
