Monday, February 1, 2016

Two Poems by Joanna M. Weston

Listening to Flowers

this delicate symphony
rests on my tongue
sliding into cadence
where violin and clarinet
raise a sharp taste
of snowdrops
cutting ice

leaving the flavor
of violet shadows
with notes strung
from finger to lip
while drums sway
a daffodil rhythm

I Know a Bank

where wild thyme tosses
clouds of perfume

trumpets of morning glory
hurry over the fence

whose daisies are these
raging hillside in waves?

thistles fold their prickles
into envelopes of grass

lean into the prayers
of shadowed monkshood

columbine raises
a late masquerade

so many wilds blow
softly through dusk

Joanna M. Weston is married, has two cats, multiple spiders, a herd of deer, and two derelict hen houses.  Her middle-reader, Those Blue Shoes, was published by Clarity House Press, and her poetry, A Summer Father, was published by Frontenac House of Calgary.  Her eBooks can be found at her blog:

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